
Hardness: 7.00

Refractive Index: 1.53-1.54

Specific Gravity: 2.60


Birthstone: March, December.

Astral Stone: Pisces, Aries, Scorpio

Anniversary Stone:


Origination: India, Brazil, Australia & the United States


Care & Cleaning: Soft polishing cloth, plain water rinse mild solution of soap & water or commercial jewelry cleaner. Do not soak for long periods of time.


Fiction, Facts & Folklore:


Bloodstone is associated with the planet Mars.


Bloodstone is also sometimes known as �heliotrope�.


Bloodstone is commonly seen cut en cabochon or as a flat cut gem.


It is considered fairly durable and suitable for jewelry purposes.


To date, there is no man made equivalent to bloodstone.


Bloodstone has a dark green background, with red spots caused by the presence of iron in the mineral.


A dream of bloodstone once signified the onset of distressing news.


Religious leaders once held the belief that bloodstone actually contained the blood of Christ which fell on the earth during

His crucifixion.


Desert dwelling tribes wore bloodstone loosely around their necks to protect them from snake bites and the even more fearsome scorpion.