
Hardness: 3.50

Refractive Index: 1.49-1.66

Specific Gravity: 2.65


Birthstone: April, October, November

Astral Stone: Aries, Taurus, Libra

Anniversary Stone: 35th


Origination: Saltwater bodies worldwide.


Care & Cleaning: Coral is a very delicate material that can be affected by perspiration. If you should notice your stone losing its color or turning, a soft cloth with some hydrogen peroxide may restore it to its original state. Clean with a soft polishing cloth.


Fiction, Facts & Folklore:


Astrologers associate coral with the planet Mars.


The state of Florida is one of the most important domestic sources for coral.


The most sought after color of coral is deep red, which is quite rare.


Coral is actually one of the organic gemstones, along with pearl, amber and jet.


Coral is usually set in a bezel setting for protection from chips & scratches.


Coral is sometimes used in the making of the cameo.


The composition of coral is similar to that of the natural pearl.


It is the international gemstone of Morocco.


Coral is an essential part of the worlds� ecosystem, and its harvest is tightly controlled by presiding governments.


In most areas, it is illegal to harvest coral unless it has broken away from the mother reef.


To dream of coral signified the recovery from an illness by either the dreamer, or a loved one. This person could be a friend or a family member.


Ancient astronomers believed that the planet Mars was made of coral.