
Hardness: 7.50

Refractive Index: 1.76-1.83

Specific Gravity: 4.00


Birthstone: January, February, May, October

Astral stone: Aquarius, Leo, Capricorn

Anniversary stone: 2nd, 18th


Origination: Worldwide, with dense deposits in Africa, India, Australia & Brazil.


Care & Cleaning: Soft polishing cloth, plain water rinse, mild solution of soap & water


Fiction, Facts & Folklore:


Almandine and pyrope are the two basic varieties of the red garnet group. Almadine is colored by iron and will sometimes show a slightly almond undertone, while pyrope is colored by chromium and is bright red in color.


Low-grade commercial quality garnet is actually pulverized and turned into a sandpaper-like industrial grade paper known simply as "garnet paper ".


In certain instances, the almandine garnet will contain small amounts of chromium and manganese, giving the gem undertones of red.


Almandine garnets are sometimes cut en cabochon to display an asterism, or star. Some of these unusual gems, believe it or not, are found domestically in the state of Idaho.


Garnet deposits can be found throughout the United States, even in Alaska.


A garnet cabochon of 175 carats is found at the Smithsonian Museum.


Almandine garnets from Sri Lanka were formerly known as �Ceylon rubies�.


The word �garnet� when used in the textile industry, means �red�.


Certain low end garnets have been used as jewels in watch movements.


If you dream of a garnet, you will soon reach a solution to the mysteries of life.


At one time it was believed that a garnet could cure arthritis.


The pyrope is seldom seen in large carat weight. Large solitaires are quite costly.


The first evidence of garnet jewelry dates back to the Bronze Age, where they were customarily fashioned into bead form or cut en cabochon.


Ancients believed that the inner glow of a large garnet was used on Noah�s Ark to provide light and warmth.


Garnets were thought to bring protection from injury and loss of blood.


Ancient physicians believed that garnets could cure depression and arthritis.


Ancient astrologers sometimes considered the pyrope garnet a powerful gem of the sun, while others believe they fell from the heavens after explosions on Mars.