
Hardness: 7.50

Refractive Index: 1.57-1.58

Specific Gravity: 2.80


Birthstone: November.

Astral Stone: Gemini, Scorpio

Anniversary Stone:


Origination: Brazil, Africa, the former Russia & the United States.


Care & Cleaning: Clean with a soft polishing cloth, plain water rinse mild solution of soap & water or commercial jewelry cleaner. Do not soak.


Fiction, Facts & Folklore:


Heliodor is the yellow variety of the beryl mineral group.


Cesium oxide is its primary coloring agent.


Heliodor is also known in the gem world as the �golden beryl�.


In astral worlds, the heliodor is associated with the planet Jupiter.


Heliodor is sometimes is found in conjunction with its� �sister stone�, the aquamarine.


The best gems are those of a deep gold color, that originate in the former Russia.


The stones from Brazil are generally lighter in color.


Locally, deposits of heliodor can sometimes be found in Alabama.


One of the largest finished heliodor on record is a gem of nearly 2,100 carats that is housed at the Smithsonian Museum in Washington, D.C.


In earlier times, to a dream of heliodor foretold of great happiness ahead.


The heliodor was once considered an aid to kidney problems and a source of great emotional strength.