
Hardness: 5.50

Refractive Index: 1.50

Specific Gravity: 2.80


Birthstone: September, December.

Astral Stone: Aquarius, Taurus

Anniversary Stone: 9th


Origination: Afghanistan, the former Russia, Chile & the United States.


Care & Cleaning: To clean, rub lightly with a soft polishing cloth. An optional dab of olive oil will produce a beautiful shine.


Fiction, Facts and Folklore:


Most experts consider Afghanistan to be the only source for gem grade lapis today.


Lapis can also be found in California. This material is not considered gem quality.


The structure of lapis can be up to 60% lazurite, together with calcite, pyrite and sodalite. The ratio of these components dictates the hardness, specific gravity and even its� intensity of color.


Astrologers connect lapis with the planet Saturn.


A dream of lapis lazuli brought the arrival of a forever faithful love into the heart.


Earlier cultures treasured lapis more than gold.


Scarabs of lapis were buried with the dead in ancient Egypt.


Greeks once spoke of a sapphire with spots of gold that was undoubtedly lapis.


In Victorian times, lapis was sometimes ground into powder to create a bright blue pigment that was used to create artifacts & broaches of glass and enamel.



Lapis lazuli was once considered as an aid to fevers, sore throats and burns.


Historians consider lapis lazuli among the oldest gems on the earth.


Lapis is the international gemstone of Chile.


For additional information, see �lazurite� and �sodalite�.