
Hardness: 6.00

Refractive Index: 1.52-1.53

Specific Gravity: 2.57


Birthstone: April, June, August, October

Astral Stone: Cancer, Sagittarius

Anniversary Stone: 13th


Origination: Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Madagascar, Brazil, Australia & India.


Care & Cleaning: Moonstone is a fragile gem that should be handled with care. To clean, rub lightly with a soft polishing cloth. An optional dab of olive oil will produce a beautiful shine.


Fiction, Facts & Folklore:


Domestically, Oregon & Virginia are considered secondary sources for moonstone.


Florida lists the moonstone as its� official state gem.


Moonstone is an orthoclase feldspar that is usually measured in millimeters.


Gems of large proportion are seldom seen, and can carry a hefty price tag.


Moonstone shows a �haze� around its perimeter that is usually either white, silver or blue. This phenomena is known as �adularesence�.


To clearly depict this effect, moonstone is most always seen cut en cabochon.


Ancients called this mysterious gem �the pebbles of the moon�.


Most believed that this gem was a direct link to the moon. In ancient times, a full eclipse struck terror in the hearts of men, who blamed the moonstone for the disappearance of light.


When the moon was seen in its largest size, experts believed that they had angered the gods of the moon because of their disdain for the moonstone.


Other folklore foretold that moonstone could predict impending danger when held skyward during a full moon.