
Hardness: 7.00

Refractive Index: 1.53-1.54

Specific Gravity: 2.60


Birthstone: February & July.

Astral Stone: Cancer, Leo, Capricorn

Anniversary Stone: 7th


Origination: Worldwide. South America is currently its� most important source.


Care & Cleaning: To clean, rub lightly with a soft polishing cloth. An optional dab of olive oil will produce a beautiful shine. If necessary, a plain water rinse may also be used. Do not soak.


Fiction, Facts & Folklore:


Onyx is a close relative of the chalcedony mineral group.


Onyx is commonly seen as a black and white banded gem, although it can sometimes be found in a solid black state.


The gem that you know as �black onyx� is actually a form of agate which is treated to turn black. After soaking the agate for a period of about 30 days in a dense solution of sugar or honey, it is exposed to a sulfuric acid bath. This process has been used for centuries, and considered permanent under normal conditions.


Other colors of �onyx� seen at retail are often various shades of agate as well.


A brown and white banded mineral sometimes known as �Mexican onyx� is not actually onyx at all, but rather a mineral known as calcite.


If the bands of onyx are symmetrical, it is sometimes carved into cameos.


A dream of onyx once predicted the arrival of a happy marriage.


Onyx was believed by some to be the key to eternal life.