
Hardness: 6.50

Refractive Index: 1.64-1.69

Specific Gravity: 3.34


Birthstone: August, September, November

Astral Stone: Pisces, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra

Anniversary Stone: 16th



Origination: China, Myanmar, Brazil, Afghanistan, India and the United States.


Care & Cleaning: Clean with a soft polishing cloth, plain water rinse, mild solution of soap & water or commercial jewelry cleaner.


Fiction, Facts & Folklore:


Astrologers often link the peridot to the planets Mercury and Venus.


Peridot is the gem grade variety of the olivine mineral group.


The San Carlos Indian Reservation in Arizona is currently the most important source for peridot. Peridot is also found in the Hawaiian Islands.


Gems of five carats or more are still considered quite rare, although a recent find in the Himalayan Mountains of India is said to contain some large parcels of rough.


Certain ancient cultures believed that a peridot placed under the tongue would keep a person from dehydration.


Folklore tells us that at one time peridot was thought to calm volcanic eruptions.


Peridot was given by Napoleon to the empress Josephine as a symbol of his undying love and admiration.


Peridot was thought to be an aid to friendship.


Earlier civilizations considered the peridot a symbol of prosperity & happiness.


Leaders who wore peridot were held in the highest regard. They were thought to be gentle, fair and wise.