
Hardness: 7.00

Refractive Index: 1.72-1.76

Specific Gravity: 3.85


Birthstone: January, February, October

Astral Stone: Aquarius, Leo, Capricorn

Anniversary Stone: 2nd, 18th


Origination: Worldwide, important finds in Sri Lanka, Brazil, Africa & India


Care & Cleaning: Clean with a soft polishing cloth, plain water rinse, mild solution of soap & water or commercial jewelry cleaner.


Fiction, Facts & Folklore:


Rhodolite is a member of the garnet mineral group.


The most prized color of rhodolite is raspberry. It can also be found in shades of pink through lavender.


Rhodolite is most often found in alluvial deposits in the form of waterworn pebbles. For this reason, large solitaires of five carats or more are seldom seen at retail.


The most important domestic source for rhodolite is the state of North Carolina.


Besides being found in water, rhodolite is sometimes found in volcanic rock.


Rhodolite is approximately 55% pyrope and 37% almandine garnet. Because of this, its dominant coloring agent is chromium.


Rhodolite is similar in color to the violet rubies from Thailand known today as �Siam Rubies�. Other than their outward appearance, however, these two gems have very little in common.


The name �rhodolite� is taken from the Greek �rho�don� and �lithos� which literally translated means �rose stone�. Thus it is connected today with the lovely raspberry pink flower known as the rhododendron.


Because it is dominated by the pyrope garnet, some astrologers consider rhodolite a stone of the sun.