
Hardness: 9.00

Refractive Index: 1.76-1.77

Specific Gravity: 4.00


Birthstone: July, December

Astral Stone: Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn

Anniversary Stone: 15th, 40th


Origination: Myanmar, Thailand, Africa, Vietnam, Pakistan, Afghanistan, the former Russia, India, Australia and the United States.


Care & Cleaning: All forms of cleaning are appropriate.


Fiction, Facts & Folklore:


Most astrologers consider ruby the most powerful gem in the universe. Some attribute its strength to the sun, while others link it to the planet Mars.


A flawless ruby of 21,450 carats (9 1/2 pounds) was discovered in Burma in 1996.


Rubies of 1-3 carats have surfaced in Kashmir, India. This deposit has existed since 1988, but various complications have kept the mine from opening until 1997.


Top-quality gems from other sources are often described as �Burmese grade� rubies


Rubies are have been known to display an asterism. These finds are considered rare, and sought after by collectors worldwide. These gems are known as "star rubies."


Folklore tells us that a dream of rubies predicts the arrival of unexpected guests.


The Chinese Emperor Kubli Kahn once tried to acquire a large ruby by offering in trade an entire city and its� inhabitants.


Rubies have long been symbols of invincibility, love, passion & friendship.