
Hardness: 6.00

Refractive Index: 1.61-1.65

Specific Gravity: 3.49


Birthstone: June, July, December

Astral Stone: Aquarius, Capricorn

Anniversary Stone: 11th


Origination: Australia, Africa, Iran, China, the former Russia, Mexico, the United States, and others.


Care & Cleaning: Turquoise is sometimes affected by grease, perspiration, hair spray and cologne. Remove your turquoise before bathing, washing your hands or doing any other activity that may expose it to harsh detergents. To clean, rub lightly with a soft polishing cloth. An optional dab of olive oil will produce a beautiful shine.


Fiction, Facts & Folklore:


Turquoise is one of the oldest gems on earth with evidence of its existence dating back some 7500 years ago.


Astrologers often link turquoise with the planet Venus.


Turquoise is often found in areas where copper is being mined.


Iron and manganese oxide are its� principle coloring agents.


Intense heat of over 200  Celsius will cause turquoise to lose its� color. This makes polishing quite a difficult task that is usually done by experienced craftsmen.


Turquoise is usually cut en cabochon or in large, flat tables.


Facet-grade crystals of turquoise are rare and seldom seen at retail.


Turquoise is difficult to match, and multi-stone settings are seldom seen at retail.


Earlier cultures believed turquoise had the power to protect them from poisonous bites from reptiles. Turquoise was also believed to correct vision problems.


Native Americans hold turquoise in high regard even today. They believe in its healing powers and its ability to unite the air and the earth.


Certain cultures believe that turquoise denotes happiness, relaxation and peace. It protects one from all bodily harm.


Turquoise is the national stone of the country of Tibet.